During a decade in the radio industry, I developed a knack for identifying a brand’s story, so in 2013, when a radio colleague recommended me to a hotel she was working with, I quickly began to learn digital marketing strategies to help tell its story. Within a year, I was promoted to the Director of Sales & Marketing position at that hotel and began developing marketing strategy for all revenue streams.

When the hotel I was working for was sold in 2016, my hotel management company asked me to move to another of their properites as a Marketing Manager to expand in this role I had started to thrive in. Within six months of working at Pheasant Run Resort in St Charles, IL, I was asked to go on a taskforce assignment to help another Sales & Marketing Manager learn the company marketing systems and get on track. I would have several taskforce assignments while stationed at Pheasant Run and ultimately was promoted to an Area Marketing Manager in 2019 so I could continue to help multiple properites with their marketing strategy.

After Pheasant Run closed in 2020, I worked as an Independent Consultant for Pampered Chef where I managed my own marketing strategy and created a freelance marketing agency to help other businesses with their marketing strategies.

In 2023 I returned to the hotel industry developing marketing strategy for Blue Harbor Resort in Sheboygan, WI, and created Lake Life Sheboygan to implement a local marketing strategy and enhance our guest experience with our own in-house lifestyle magazine.


  • Served as head of marketing departments

  • Developed creative experiential marketing campaigns

  • Managed integrated marketing calendar for all revenue streams, by channel, campaign, and deadlines

  • Promoted programs and events with multi-channel strategies: website, email marketing, social media marketing, print and digital advertising, radio, and pr

  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams

  • Developed relationships with local partners

  • Post campaign analysis to measure ROI and KPIs

  • Budget setting and managment


Experiential Events